Monday, November 12, 2007

Happy Diwali

Went to In-Laws' place for Manya's first diwali. Dan's eyes were glued to the TV during Puja! Dad got up and switched it off!! Gud fun. Rest was usual. Except Manya was quite unhappy the moment the TV went off! No worries - she was in Dan's lap all the time. He has started telling me 'Isko Le lo' every couple of minutes!! He really has a hard time handling her!

Returned home with a tonne of very frilly clothes! Wonder if I'll ever wear them. Manya might wear hers. She'll probably manage to look cute in them too. Wonder why Dan gets away with all that frill. Boys are lucky.

Couldn't talk to ma at all. Need to have a long chat with her. Back home. This whole place is a mess. Posting this pic 4 ma. Love u tonnes.

Saturday, November 3, 2007